
I am currently looking at the problems being solved in the intersection between Glycomics and Bioinformatics, often called Glycoinformatics in pursuit of a PhD. My work is based at the DKFZ, within the Central spectroscopy department (Molecular modelling) headed by Willi von der Lieth. Funding for my PhD is provided by the EUROCarbDB consortium, which has been established for the development of a design for a distributed carbohydrate database.

I have previously worked on various proteomics related bioinformatics projects at my previous employer, Proteome Systems, as well as being leading both the development and bioinformatic research for the GlycoSuite informatic tools.

My interests within glycoinformatics lie with mass spectrometry, automated analysis and interpretation of spectra, establishment of data interchange standards, as well as data visualisation and user interface design.

Academic history


Joshi HJ, Harrison MJ, Schulz BL, Cooper CA, Packer NH, Karlsson NG Development of a mass fingerprinting tool for automated interpretation of oligosaccharide fragmentation data. Proteomics, 4 (6), 1650-1664 2004 Pubmed
Karlsson NG, Wilson NL, Wirth HJ, Dawes P, Joshi HJ and Packer NH Negative ion graphitised carbon nano-liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry increases sensitivity for glycoprotein oligosaccharide analysis. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 18, 2282-2292 2004 Pubmed
Cooper CA, Joshi HJ, Harrison MJ, Wilkins MR & Packer NH Querying GlycoSuiteDB. In: Handbook of Proteomic Methods (Conn, P. M., ed), pp 233-239 New Jersey: Humana Press Inc
Cooper CA, Joshi HJ, Harrison MJ, Wilkins MR, Packer NH GlycoSuiteDB: a curated relational database of glycoprotein glycan structures and their biological sources. 2003 update. Nucleic Acids Res. Jan 31 (1), 511-3, 2003 Pubmed


Joshi HJ, Schulz BL, Karlsson NG Method of identifying Glycan structures using Mass Spectrometer data WIPO Number WO 2004/108742
Harrison MJ, Joshi HJ, Schulz BL A method for determining the biological likelihood of theoretical compositions or structures WIPO Number WO 2005/031343
Joshi HJ, Harrison MJ, Liddell CA 2 Dimensional structure queries WIPO number WO 2003/056453


Joshi HJ, Jarvis S, Arthur JW, Harrison MJ, Wilkins MR, Packer NH, Cooper CA GlycoSuiteDB: A curated relational database of glycoprotein glycan structures Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) 2003